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ABout the slums

- Home to approximately 7 million people who came to Dhaka looking for better opportunities or displaced by environmental disasters. The slums are the least expensive housing option in the city.


- Poor families settle in this maze of temporary tin shed structures where 10 to 15 families share a bathroom and a kitchen.


- Many slums are plagued by domestic violence, theft, mugging, extortion, drugs, and political mobs.


- Many men find work as day laborers or rickshaw drivers, while the more successful ones are small shop keepers and private car drivers.


- For women, most are homemakers, house cleaners, or garment factory workers. Jobs for young women are very limited.


- Some of the children supplement the income by picking up plastic bottles to resell, they earn around 20-25 taka (around USD 0.25) for each kilogram.


- One of our student's family’s income is around BDT 8,000-10,000 (USD 100-125) a month, but it is not fixed since work is temporary and sometimes not available.


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